One Month Chasing One Dream

An extension of "Mayday; Tell me its worth it."

This is the Gold Coast Blog; 4th June - 5th July 2010 - My chase for the Commonwealth Games A-qualifier.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 18 & 19: Slip

tuesday && wednesday

this entry is titled slip for two reasons;
the first being that tuesdays session was a slip step session
the second being that i felt after wednesdays session my dreams slipping through my fingers.

lets start off with tuesday.
reading, training, reading.
trying to get my legs to remember how to turn over.
to no avail.

after all the reading on tuesday, i gave up reading and turned to typography.
i liked it.
&& might have to get more into when i come home.

wednesday session was horrid.
you know when you have those days where nothing goes right?
i had a hurdle session.
i started warm up and it pissed down, 
obviously, i trained in it.
and sadly, the best part of the day was the weather
and that was shit
so i dont need to tell you how the session went

but something amazing happened on wednesday.
i really struggled, to even get out of the blocks.
attempt after attempt after attempt
i started to get frustrated


something i havent felt for along time in this sport.
after 45 min of barely making it over the first hurdle.
i found myself in the middle of the track
down on all fours
in the pouring rain
crying my eyes out
punching the track
yelling internally

and then, like someone flicked a switch
i realised how much i still wanted this
how much i still needed this
and i am still going to get this.

however, first thing im going to get, is a massage.

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