One Month Chasing One Dream

An extension of "Mayday; Tell me its worth it."

This is the Gold Coast Blog; 4th June - 5th July 2010 - My chase for the Commonwealth Games A-qualifier.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

DAY FOUR, FIVE, SIX: the days seem way too long

ok, im getting days mixed up here

Day Four: Tuesday.
i did a hurdle session at the track. i hit the hurdle with my sore knee and you should see the size of the bruise, its hilarious. its the size of my fist.
Had the biggest lactic headache coz it was sooo hot

Day Five: Wednesday
Did a block hurdles session
epic fail.
these blocks are hard to use when im so used to the nordic ones at perth.
but it wasnt too bad. i was supposed to do two sessions on wednesday but my body wouldnt let me. instead i had a nanna nap.
also, on wednesday, i had fish eggs for the first time.
and GROSS!
Dad also won lotto. the whole 26 bucks. hahaha

Day Six: Thursday
I was looking at eclipse stuff online, yes, i love twilight ok deal with it. and zommmgggg, i cant wait for it to come out. it will be a highlight of my time away.
Got a session this arvo, speed/plyo work. nothing too extreme coz i gotta race saturday.
not looking forward to tomoro, taking a recovery day.
bore snore.
for now im going to walk to the beach
take a book
and chill for a few hours


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